Five Years Old

Today, my daughter turns five. Part of me is feeling all sappy and teary-eyed that my baby is so dang big. But mostly, I’m reflecting on the strong, smart, sassy little woman that she is clearly becoming. Ya’ll, this girl gives us a run for our money! She’s just as stubborn as me, which is terribly frightening and encouraging, all at the same time. I know that her strong will can take her far in life, we just have our work cut out for us in helping her to use her stubbornness for good and not evil.

This girl stormed into the world at her own pace (which was as fast as possible) and she continues to amaze us with her determination. She plays hard, loves hard, and we absolutely adore her.

Happy birthday, sweet girl!!

One thought on “Five Years Old”

  1. What a happy day when she entered this world!! You’re doing a great job with her, Mommie, keep it up…..God will give you the strength you need to meet each challenge. Love you so much, strong daughter!
    Your Mom!

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