Category Archives: Ukulele

Somewhere, over the rainbow…

Earlier this year, I started learning to play the ukulele. My husband kept dangling that carrot in front of me, and I finally bit. It is such a happy little instrument! I’ve been playing tenor ukulele in the praise band with him, and it’s been a lot of fun. However, praise music is relatively simple (musically speaking) and I’ve been wanting to push myself with the uke. It’s hard when you have two small children, but I’ve decided that this is an area where I want to reclaim ‘myself’, so I’m making it a priority.

Yesterday afternoon, a local ukulele teacher held a group lesson/jam session at a coffee shop. It was ridiculously intimidating for me, but I went and ended up enjoying it immensely! All of us there were at different levels in our playing, but I think we all ended up learning some new things. I learned a new strum pattern, and the very basics of fingerpicking, which I had been intimidated to try and learn but now I’m really excited to dive into it more.

And now after playing along with several soprano ukes, I want one. Haha! If anyone needs any Christmas gift ideas for me… There you go.

(Side note: This picture was taken back in March, a few weeks before we started eating Keto. More on that a little later.)